Zugvögel | January 2016

Pictures and streams of people singing, spun from the finest material written for choirs in the 19th and 20th centuries – and of small pebbles, dusty gramophones, worn out shoes and leaving, missing loved ones, reunion, traveling far, arriving, leaving again and being lost in the now.
The concept for the current concert project was developed in 2014. Hiking as one of the original motifs of art and human history and the shifting of cultural circles around the globe is an equally ancient reality – which until now has rarely happened on our own doorstep. Today, the so-called "problem" has become the focus of media and public awareness. The ensemble liberté sings timeless works by Johannes Brahms, Vasily Kalinnikov, Harald Genzmer and folk songs from Latvia, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland between absurd false reports, incited fear, real flight and the great opportunity of a changing world.

program booklet (only in German)

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